
Articles | 12/07/2016

GLSA New Blog Launches Today

Welcome to our inaugural GLSA Blog! This short note announces this new feature on the website and our plans for content.

We are very excited to start blogging to both provide information and education as well as thought leadership opportunities for our members. We are committed to publishing weekly on Thursdays to start. The contributors will include the GLSA Board, members, and sponsors.

The education committee chair, Tom Martin, will provide a monthly posting that recaps that month’s webinar. Matt Hahne, who chairs the Newsletter committee, has committed to publishing abstracts of the long articles that will be posted each month plus a link to full text. We will start each month with a Board member blog on a wide range of topics. Talented members and sponsors will fill out the remainder of the weeks. Our blog topics include tips on social media, firm culture, marketing tips, substantive law, and more.

Our next post will be from new member Seth Bloom on social media. The first board member post comes from Nicolle Schippers and examines the ABA Commission on the Future on Legal Services and Legal Plans. We would like to showcase our members’ talents and provide valuable insights each week. If you are interested in contributing to the blog, please email Board member and Marketing Committee chair Mary Juetten at

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