If you are looking to purchase services through a legal services plan provider, we encourage you to contact one of our members listed below and let them know that you found their services through GLSA. The Group Legal Services Association does not endorse or recommend any prepaid or group legal service plan. This partial listing of organizations offering prepaid and group legal service plans was compiled from information furnished by the listed organizations and is produced solely to provide information to groups and individuals.
ClaimsMax visit website
The ClaimsMax concept was endorsed by Derek Bok, the former President of Harvard University, in 1993 in his book, The Cost of Talent. Bok writes: “Because the compelling virtue of the contingent fee is to make legal services available to those who cannot afford a lawyer, a more ambitious possibility would be to substitute some better means of providing legal representation to persons of modest means. Enterprising lawyers or entrepreneurs could establish prepaid legal plans for people of moderate incomes.”
LEVELSET visit website
Levelset empowers people to get paid what they earn. Levelset’s Attorney Network provides free business development for lawyers in the construction industry, and our free-to-attorneys Legal Guard program pairs them directly with our customers as clients.
Evergreen Legal Protection visit website
Finding quality legal help can be a daunting and expensive task. And yet, legal help is something nearly all Americans will need at some point in their lives. Evergreen provides an innovative, affordable alternative that allows more people the benefit of quality legal assistance.
DebtCleanse Group Legal Services visit website
DebtCleanse is a nationwide legal plan helping consumers and small businesses settle unaffordable debts at discounts, or not pay them at all. Members can select attorneys via an online platform that also includes tools to log communications, store documents, and schedule consultations.
MetLife Legal Plans visit website
MetLife Legal Plans