Invitation: LPI Webinar on Friday 25 September 2020, 16h00 CEST (10am US Eastern time zone) Legal Protection International aisbl cordially invites you to its Webinar: How are US citizens granted legal protection and how does the system of Legal Plans work in the United States? Legal Protection Insurance and Legal Plans both aim to ensure high quality and affordable access to justice for consumers, but they function and operate differently. Understand how citizens in the United States sign up to a Legal Plan, who the beneficiaries are, what the role of attorneys is, and what Legal Plans cost! Attend the LPI Webinar with Brian Caron, President of the Group Legal Services Association (GLSA) Friday, 25 September 2020 16h00-16h45 CEST (10.00am-10.45am Eastern US time) Agenda: - About GLSA
- Data of the US Legal Plans market
- How Legal Plans work and what they cover
- The beneficiaries
- How Legal Plans are regulated
- Differences between Legal Plans and Legal Insurance
- Questions & Answers
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