
Articles | 03/21/2019

The Future of the GLSA: Charting a New Course – Part II

In our second installment of our weekly series on the future of the GLSA, we will hear from the speakers on the State of the Industry Panel, recently featured in Law Technology Today. First up is Jorge Newbery, the CEO of a new legal plan, Debt Cleanse, who joined GLSA recently.

Where do you see the GLSA in 3 years?

Jorge: GLSA would rebrand itself the ALSA “Affordable Legal Services Association” and be the trade group for legal practitioners and innovators whose mission is to make justice affordable for all Americans. We would embrace the use of technology and share the resulting cost savings with the 99%. As a group, we lobby to end short-sighted practices which are protectionist , i.e. follow the District of Columbia’s lead in allowing law firms to include non-attorney partners and end state laws which require lawyers to conduct certain types of work, such as the Illinois requirement that lawyers handle real estate closings, which could readily be handled by non-lawyers. Although these practices may result in enhanced earnings in the short-term, these feed to the public perception that lawyers do not contribute a lot to our society. We need to help change that.

What is the single most important change to the legal profession that must happen to improve access to justice or legal services?

Jorge: Affordability. Money buys justice in our country today. The majority of consumers and small business owners are legally bullied by the elite of our country. We need to change that.

How does your company improve access to justice? 

Jorge: We connect consumers and small businesses struggling with unaffordable debts with affordable attorneys who want to help people. Many of our plan attorneys are working from home or modest offices and their lower overhead results in lower fees. Further, our strategies enhance the ability of members to pay their attorneys, and our technology maximizes the efficiencies of their interactions, saving time and reducing fees. Finally, we do all the marketing, so attorneys discount fees to our members by 25%.

How can attorneys make more money using your company or plan? 

Jorge: We provide plan attorneys marketing, training, technology and tools so that they can spend more hours on billable legal work, rather than on non-billable marketing, administration, and other non-core functions. Best of all, we provide the platform for many attorneys to do what they went to law school to do: help people.

If you are interested in hearing more from the State of the Industry Panel, participating in charting GLSA’s new course, and learning more about how legal and subscription-based plans can help your practice, attend the Tampa Bay conference this May 9th to 11th more information available here. Registration is open now and there are limited Early Bird tickets here.

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