The Future of the GLSA: Charting a New Course – Part V
In part five of our weekly series on the future of the GLSA, we will hear from ARAG’s Jean Clauson, who is a repeat panelist on the State of the Industry Panel, featured last month in Law Technology Today. Jean is GLSA Past President and instrumental in the legal industry innovation movement.
Where do you see the GLSA in 3 years?
Jean: In the next few years there are opportunities for GLSA to build a more robust membership base through diversification and inclusion. GLSA can become more diverse by:
- broadening their reach of experts, contributors and board members to include both attorney and multi-disciplinary professional participants;
- providing a platform for attorneys who are minorities to step into more leadership roles; and
- creating a culture for ALL types of legal plans and services to get involved with GLSA.
By doing these things, we will create a more inclusive environment that supports bright people, innovative ideas, and a creative use of resources to advance access to quality legal services through legal services plans and industry collaboration.
What is the single most important change to the legal profession that must happen to improve access to justice or legal services?
Jean: More collaboration in the industry could really move the needle going forward. In the past few years, I have seen an abundance of innovative startups in legal tech, AI, consulting and services arenas. Additionally, the ABA and state bar associations have established their own Access to Justice Commissions, task forces, and technology initiatives. I’d like to see more collaboration and “knowledge-share” between the groups so that we can move quickly to experience process efficiencies and results through shared resources and a central knowledge bank.
How does your company improve access to justice?
Jean: ARAG makes an impact by providing consumers with the ability to access and afford an attorney versus doing nothing. ARAG’s legal insurance product improves access to justice by providing middle-moderate income people with a resource to manage their legal issues, financial & budgeting needs, identity theft concerns, elder care assistance, and much more. 90% of our plan members say they are MORE likely to work with an attorney simply because they have a legal plan.
Outside of our daily business, we are passionate leaders that serve on several access-to-justice groups nationwide.
How can attorneys make more money using your company or plan?
Jean: There are a few things attorneys can do to make more money on the ARAG network:
- Provide a great client service experience (resulting in referrals). We’ve found that attorneys with a really buttoned up client service process (in every facet of the client journey) do very well at ARAG.
- Setup your firm to manage volume business. The most successful firms on the ARAG network have a system to proficiently manage a large quantity of calls, emails and cases. They also have systems in place to choose the cases they want, enter case information, conduct the intake meeting, and bill ARAG. It’s really about attorneys working smarter versus harder.
- Be intentional about the areas of law that you choose to provide legal services for with a legal plan. Some attorneys pick several areas of law on our network and then get frustrated when we send cases their way that they do not want. By only selecting the areas you wish to serve you will ensure that ARAG (and our plan members) are not contacting you regarding case types you don’t want to serve. This decreases the time and effort or you and your staff to communicate back and forth with a client you don’t want to represent.
If you are interested in hearing more from the State of the Industry Panel, participating in charting GLSA’s new course sessions, and learning more about how legal and subscription-based plans can help your practice, attend the Tampa Bay conference this May 9th to 11th — more information available here. Registration is open now and there are limited tickets here.